Friday, November 19, 2010

Drug Cartels In Mexico

Well I think everything going on in mexico is very sad since my parents are from mexico and 
well we would like to go back to visit some family but the situation is very risky and dangerous which stops us
from even thinking on setting foot on our hometown.I think its sad to kill other people that werent involved at all just for drugs ."The average ordinary resident of Juarez, their life is in danger every day." this quote is very sad since not even the average ordinary resident can walk around the corner without feeling scared.

I Like the last photo were the girl in the pink jacket comes out
she seems very hurt in deep thought and sad.It looks like shes been crying and is shes in the slideshow it must
be because something terrible happened to her or her family but eitherway her face expression 
really causes empathy on the viewer.

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