Tuesday, November 2, 2010

American Soldier

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?

I think its the one where he is crying or sad it shows a lot of emotion because
of his facial expression.
B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
The ones that include family and love and them getting back together
C. How do the images work together to tell a story?
Hes In war at first then he comes back with his family then
hes spending time with his family that i imagine he hasnt seen in a while
since he shows hard emotions in some of these pictures.
A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?
There written in past tense explaining in chronological order what he did or happened.
B. How do the captions enhance the photographs?
It helped you understand what really was going on instead of trying to guess what
was happening.
1.Chapter 2:American Soldier>>In The Army
picture:#17 were his sargent is in front of him.
 Ian is gettin yelled at for some instructions of something and he is properly
responding to him.
2.Photo Chapter 3:American Soldier>>Basic Training
Picture#1 Soldiers seem to be running.
 Ian and his friends in the army get up really early in the morning to run and start
3.Chapter 6:American Soldier>>In Country
Picture#7 Ian is holding a rosary.
Ian is praying and is wishing everything to come out well and to soon be with
his family that is probably wishing him well too.
A. How do these other features enhance the photographs?
Well it has other peoples testimony and how they feel towards his situation.
B. In what ways are videos better than photographs? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site..
The people are actually talking and referring how they felt towards that moment.
C. In what ways are photos better than videos? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site. A photo can last a lifetime and a video cant since they can grow old.

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