Monday, October 4, 2010

Iraq Slideshow

 I Think This Photo Is A Very Good Demonstration Of Simplicity
It Made This Picture Good Because Its A Close Up So The Only Person To Look At Is Her
Plus The Close Up Is Really Good And The Fact That Its Black And White Hardens Her Expressions.
I Like This Photo Because Her Expression Looks So Sad It Causes Empathy
On The Person Whos Looking At It.I  Like It Because She Looks Very Humble And Affected 
It Seems Like She Is In Deep Thought Or Depressed
  This Picture Represents Well The Lines Rule Theres A Starting Point And An End Point
This Picture Also Falls Into Balance And Symmetry And Pattern The Two Air
Vents At Each Side Balances It And The Lines And The Lights On This Picture Gives The
Impression Of Symmetry and Pattern.
I Like This Picture Because The Person/Thing Were Concentrating On Is In The Center And The
Lines Running Through It Just Makes It Look Better I Also Like The Chandelier At 
The Top It Makes It Look Sophisticated Or Fancy

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