Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Show And Tell

 I like this picture because it catches your eye.
There's a lot to look at different people doing different things.
I like this video mainly because its about horses and i like really
like horses.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny Captions

He Put So Many Security Locks On This Bike.
He Wanted To Make Sure No One Stole It.
Mr.I Have To Take It Tried Breaking The Lock.
Then He Finally Gave Up And Took Everything Else.

Buffy The Buffalo Wants To Make Sure Hes Going The Right Way.
So He Stoped  And Asked.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Marlboro Marine

A. What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slideshow? (Think about the overall presentation: audio, editing, text)
I Think Other Than The Pictures Maybe How He Overall Felt For James
Situation His Emotions ,He Put A lot Of Thought, Feeling And The Music Causes
A lot Of Empathy On The Viewer.

B. What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow?
 I Liked How Just A Picture Can Make You Feel Very Sad At A Point 
And The Sequenced Photos Mixed In With The Music Gave It A lot  Of Meaning.
A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
The Most Powerful Image Form The Slideshow For Me Was
The One With The Hurt Man With The Ciggarete I Dont Know Why It Stands
Out And Is Very Hard.
B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
The One Where He Looks Anxious, Depressed, Irritated, Sad Its 
Almost As If You Can Feel It Too.
C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
It Creates A Lot Of Emotions That Build Up Inside You
It Makes You Feel Sad And Creates Empathy I Think Music
Gives Life To This Story.

D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The Images Work Together To Tell A Story By Going In Chronological Order
And Mixed In With The Music And The Sequenced Photos It Makes It Very Good.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Contest Preview

Im Not Sure Why This Photo Really Gets Me
Its Really Deep The Water Goes From Dark To Light Theres Depth In This Picture
Theres Also Landscape And Then Her Hand,I Think This Picture Is Really Creative.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great Black And White Photographers Part 3

 1)I Like The Way She Takes Her Photos Even If Their Black And White Their So Nice And Also I Like Her Imagination She Makes The Little Things Count.

I see a huge tree in the background its very much taller than her im guessing shes in some forest from the landscape behind the huge tree i see shes on top of a rock.
I smell flowers and plants from different varieties
I hear birds chirping and the wind blowing on the trees, i also hear animals running through the trees.
I taste the scent of the leaves salty and the dirt that accidently got into my mouth.
I feel the fresh breeze and the branches brushing through my arms as i walk. i feel the dirt blown
by the wind, in my face.
I see a lot of red a pretty woman centered in the middle of the picture everything else
is pretty much black it seems like shes sitting on what looks like a sofa.
I smell the perfume she is wearing mixed in with all the other
scents in the room where this photo took place.
I hear silence other than the dog barking outside and the kids playing right outside
this room
I taste the alluring vanilla air freshner in this room
I feel the warmth of this place luring me to its kindness

Great Black And White Photographers Part 2

Yousuf Karsh Was Born December 23 1908-July 13 2002 Was Born In 
Madin Armenia. She Was One Of The Worlds Most Famous Photographers
Karsh was a master in the use of studio lights.
Karsh had a gift for capturing the essence of his subject in the instant of his portrait.
Yousuf Karsh's dramatic glimpses of public figures like Winston Churchhill and Ernest Hemingway made him one of the most famous portrait photographers of the 20th century.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Academics Preview

The Best Story: He Seems Like Hes In Some Group
To Help Others And The Little Girl And The Guy Was Moved By The Little Girl.
This Has A Good A lot Of Action Going On Since It Seems Like They Are At A Rehearsal
Or At A Concert But Everyone Is Busy Playing Their Instrument.
This Is A Very Cute Picture With A Lot Of Interesting
People/Things To Look At Like All The Different Little Kids
And The Background Everything Is Eye Catching.

Iraq Slideshow

 I Think This Photo Is A Very Good Demonstration Of Simplicity
It Made This Picture Good Because Its A Close Up So The Only Person To Look At Is Her
Plus The Close Up Is Really Good And The Fact That Its Black And White Hardens Her Expressions.
I Like This Photo Because Her Expression Looks So Sad It Causes Empathy
On The Person Whos Looking At It.I  Like It Because She Looks Very Humble And Affected 
It Seems Like She Is In Deep Thought Or Depressed
  This Picture Represents Well The Lines Rule Theres A Starting Point And An End Point
This Picture Also Falls Into Balance And Symmetry And Pattern The Two Air
Vents At Each Side Balances It And The Lines And The Lights On This Picture Gives The
Impression Of Symmetry and Pattern.
I Like This Picture Because The Person/Thing Were Concentrating On Is In The Center And The
Lines Running Through It Just Makes It Look Better I Also Like The Chandelier At 
The Top It Makes It Look Sophisticated Or Fancy