Thursday, January 20, 2011

Portrait and Self-Portrait tips and ideas

  1. Have Fun With It. Be Sexy Be Yourself Be Awesome Be Different Be Creative. Whatever You Do have fun with it. Thats part of the point after all.
  2. Every time you hold your camera to your eye, look for leading lines, foreground elements, frames—anything you can use to lend dynamism to your image. Photographs are two dimensional but it helps if they look and feel three dimensional. 
  3. Don't just stand there—sit, squat, lie down. The angle from which you make a photograph can make a dramatic difference. 

I like these two pictures because their both environmental and their both nature-like and the in the first one the flowers are really pretty and in the second one the horse is very beautiful.

I Like These Two portraits because they show alot of emotion the two girls are both pretty and their simple.

I like these two photos because of their placement in the second one he is in rule of thirds and he just seems happy and in the first one they both seem comfortable and happy with eachother and the depth from the background is really pretty.

Well I plan to look for sunny places to take my portrait simply because i like when people come out smiling under the sunlight i see it very pretty or a really simple and bright picture.

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