Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Magazine discussion

Cover Types
  1. Early Magazine covers- No photo they were either paintings or drawings all the time.big color spots to highlight it. no date line no price and no barcode. they tended to be very simple
  2. The Poster Cover-The picture and a headline.Some of the disadvantages is that the photo has to be really good to buy it otherwise they will look at it as dull.
  3. Pictures Married To Type-less text than forest of words. most words are on one side.text is involved with the photo.Looks a little boring since there are not many entry points.
  4. In The Forest Of Words.- Words All Over the cover Some in different colors others big others small different fonts.They distract you a lot and sometimes you dont see the full photograph

Stuff that should be on my magazine cover
  • Title
  • Photo
  • Barcode
  • Price
  • Dateline.

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