A. What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slideshow? (Think about the overall presentation: audio, editing, text)
I Think Other Than The Pictures Maybe How He Overall Felt For James
Situation His Emotions ,He Put A lot Of Thought, Feeling And The Music Causes
A lot Of Empathy On The Viewer.
B. What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow?
I Liked How Just A Picture Can Make You Feel Very Sad At A Point
And The Sequenced Photos Mixed In With The Music Gave It A lot Of Meaning.
A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
The Most Powerful Image Form The Slideshow For Me Was
The One With The Hurt Man With The Ciggarete I Dont Know Why It Stands
Out And Is Very Hard.
B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
The One Where He Looks Anxious, Depressed, Irritated, Sad Its
Almost As If You Can Feel It Too.
C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
It Creates A Lot Of Emotions That Build Up Inside You
It Makes You Feel Sad And Creates Empathy I Think Music
Gives Life To This Story.
D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The Images Work Together To Tell A Story By Going In Chronological Order
And Mixed In With The Music And The Sequenced Photos It Makes It Very Good.